Research Summary: Fraxel Laser Treatment ("acne scar treatment")
Research Summary: Fraxel Laser Treatment
KGO - treatment for acne acne scars over time. Second, it resurfaces the top layer of skin, blending the overall appearance of the scar with the surrounding skin. Because of its unique fractional resurfacing, patients have little to no downtime following Fraxel treatment
Sciton Showcases New Products and Its New ProFractional Technology in
Yahoo Finance - Sciton Inc. showcased the new BBL/S, a tabletop single-handpiece BroadBand Light (BBL) system for treatment of Other popular procedures offered by Sciton include hair removal, photo rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, scar reduction and acne
Types of acne
Health 24 - Thirty percent of people with acne vulgaris do scar, but it is particularly common in acne fulminans and acne conglobata. The best way to avoid scarring is to seek effective treatment for your acne early on. Although the list above sounds more
Sciton Announces High-Speed Robotic Scanning of a High-Fluence Laser
PR Newswire - The robotic technique creates a uniform treatment pattern without hot and cold spots typically found within large Other popular procedures offered by Sciton include hair removal, photo rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, scar reduction and acne
Acne scars: treatment options
Health 24 - Laser treatment is the way of the future in most surgery procedures, because it leaves the least scarring and you won t look like a burn victim afterwards. You should recover in three to five days. Lasers recontour scar tissue and reduce the